When you finally make it to the other side of the rope, run up the stairs and pick up the Shield of Hades. If you get surrounded, you can kick in alternate directions (quick kick left, quick kick right, quick kick left, etc.) to stun both surrounding enemies. The grapple is always an instant kill, and is actually faster than repeated kickings. A good tactic is to stun the enemies from afar with your quick attack and then move in closer to grapple them with your legs. These legionnaires are tougher than the ones you fought on the last rope climb, so it'll take more to bring 'em down. You'll have to climb a rope across the chasm, and the surrounding legionnaires aren't going to let you by so easily. From the ledge right in front of the lever, jump to grab onto the rope and then slide down into the pit below. More importantly, there is also a lever that drops down a long rope into the abyss below. You'll find a hidden alcove with another Gorgon Eye chest. Once back on solid ground, turn right to run towards the wall.

When all are dead, balance across the beam to reach the other side of the room. Lure any sword-wielding enemies away from the archers to deal with them first, and then return to the bridge to use Zeus' Fury against the cowardly archers. As the path turns, you'll start taking fire from enemy archers. Fight 'em off, and then continue along the suspended walkway. You'll run into more legionnaires up stairs.